Tag: javascript

  • Gootloader’s New Hideout Revealed: The Malware Hunt in WordPress’ Shadows

    Intro Cybersecurity experts and enthusiasts, brace yourselves! The notorious Gootloader malware is at it again, shifting tactics and burrowing deeper into compromised WordPress sites. Just when we thought we had them pinned down, they’ve executed a sleight of hand. This blog post uncovers their latest evasion techniques and provides insights into how they’ve been hiding…

  • My First YARA Rule

    For some time, I have been using a YARA rule for Gootloader zips, to hunt for additional samples on VirusTotal. But I have never seen one for the .JS file inside of the .zip. I have never created a YARA rule before, and set out to figure it out. Perfect timing as a new video…

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